Occupations HELPER TECHNICIAN: Job Description HELPER TECHNICIAN: Job information HELPER TECHNICIAN from the Company PT Hexindo Adiperkasa Tbk , this latest HELPER TECHNICIAN job vacancy is located in the city Kendari located in the province Sulawesi Tenggara . This latest job opening is open to job seekers who have the latest education / graduate . Job Vacancies in this Technique field have been opened and published up to the specified time.
Job Responsibility HELPER TECHNICIAN: URGENTLY REQUIRED PT. Hexindo Adiperkasa Tbk is the trustworthy sole distributor of Hitachi heavy equipment and component brands in Indonesia. Hexindo has always been committed to the expansion of products and services through the implementation of a one-stop service approach to offer heavy equipment solutions according to customer specifications.
Why join us? For Hexindo, employees are the most critical assets as we continue to create maximum sustainable value. We've created a high-performance culture that puts the emphasis on diversity, innovation, and growth and this enables their development and ultimately. All our employees are treated equally regardless of their country of origin, race, gender, religion, and age. We work hard to establish various programs to attract and retain talented people and develop their knowledge, skills, and loyalty at all levels and by doing so provide a future for the company.
As a professional, you'll find you have a wider sphere of influence and more freedom than elsewhere. So, you'll be able to broaden or deepen your existing job responsibilities as well as progress upward.
We are seeking great people to support and enhance our position as a great company in the heavy equipment industry for the position of:
HELPER TECHNICIAN (Code: HELPER) Tugas dan tanggung jawab: Mempersiapkan dokumen unit berdasarkan order kerja (penerimaan atau pengiriman unit). Membantu Teknisi melakukan inspeksi unit berdasarkan order kerja (penerimaan atau pengiriman unit). Membantu Teknisi dalam memodifikasi, merakit dan membongkar unit berdasarkan order kerja. Membantu Service Leader mengelola perawatan unit, memantau ruang toolbox Teknisi dan juga melakukan stok opname (di bawah pengawasan Service Leader) minimal setiap triwulan. Membantu Teknisi melakukan inspeksi dan melakukan perawatan unit secara berkala berdasarkan stok mesin di lapangan. Membantu Teknisi melakukan pemeliharaan berkala, pekerjaan komersial dan non- komersial berdasarkan order kerja. Membantu Teknisi melengkapi laporan dokumen sebelum diserahkan ke Supervisor atau Servicei Admin. Menjaga kebersihan area bengkel dan merawat alat dan perlengkapan di workshop. Setiap pekerjaan harus dilaksanakan sesuai peraturan keselamatan dan harus selalu mendapatkan rekomendasi pekerjaan dari Teknisi ataupun Service Leader. Kualifikasi: Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) dengan jurusan : Teknik Mesin/Kendaraan Ringan/Otomotif/Listrik/Alat Berat. Sehat jasmani, rohani, dan usia maksimum 23 tahun. Memiliki Basic Mechanical Course (BMC) akan diprioritaskan. Memiliki SIM A dan mampu mengemudikan mobil. Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan dan bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas sesuai kebutuhan Perusahaan. Dewasa, detail, teliti, sabar, mandiri, dan energik. Status kepegawaian: Kontrak. Lokasi kerja: Kendari Job Requirement HELPER TECHNICIAN: Pastikan lowongan yang Anda cari sesuai dengan judul lowongan kerja tersebut. Pastikan Anda tidak ditawari bisnis investasi yang mencurigakan atau menjadi anggota MLM yang tidak jelas. Perlu diperhatikan jika yang membuka lowongan bukan perusahaan besar, misalnya perseorangan atau CV kecil, maka tips di atas bisa Anda abaikan.
Closed Date : ********