Scope of Work
The consultant will provide her/his expertise for the Director-General of Budget Financing and Risk Management (DG-BFRM) to develop Environmental, Social and Governance Framework (ESGSMF) which will be piloted in infrastructure projects that MoF will finance:
Conduct readiness assessment of MoF to make ESG alignment with public finance management strategy: to identify resources, commitment, and progress to move forward ESG alignment framework implementation in the short term and midterm.
Suggest internal governance structure e.g., management-level ESG committee or oversight board to move forward with ESG implementation including decision rights, accountabilities, and oversight.
Identify ESG risks and/or opportunities of infrastructure projects need to be managed and disclosed
Development ESG assurance framework including incorporating ESG factors into (1) programming quality assurance and risk management, (2) project level screening, assessment, and management of social, environmental and governance risks and impacts, (3) stakeholder engagement and response mechanism, (4) access to information, (5) monitoring, reporting, and compliance.
Conduct inventory and assess data collection and governance practices
Develop an ESG information and data framework to capture, collate, and track relevant data and the proper protocols to ensure data is reportable, repeatable, and auditable
Provide comprehensive recommendation on what to do ESG disclosure, action plans and measurable Key Performance Indicators
Determine communication channels in reaching targeted audiences such as a dedicated ESG report or online public channel for informational disclosure
Suggest the capacity development plan for the implementation and enforcement of ESG framework at both minister level, project level, private sector level.
**To complete the above, the consultant should**:
Review policy statement developed by DG BFRM and consult with MoF and other stakeholders such as BAPPENS regarding the GoI rules, regulation and best practices.
Refer to international standards from UN organizations, such as UNDP SESP; DFIs, such as IFC and World Bank social and environmental safeguard frameworks; ESG rating entities such as MSCI, Sustainalytics; standardization organizations or initiatives such as GRI TCFD, the SASB "Materiality Map," which provides overview of ESG disclosure topics across relevant industries,12
Ensure the indicators are quantitively measurable or qualitatively tangible to include but not limited to (1) biodiversity and conservation and sustainable resource management, (2) climate change and disaster risk, (3) community health, safety, and security, (4) cultural heritage, (5) displacement and resettlement, (6) indigenous people, (7) labour and working conditions, (8) pollution prevention and resource efficiency.
Expected Outputs and Deliverables
In line with the above scope of works, the consultant is expected to deliver a policy document to cover the key building blocks of an ESG framework covering the scope of work 1-8, and the recommendations for capacity development plan and implementation of ESG framework, and a policy summary of proposed ESG framework the expected outputs of this activities, are as follows:
Estimated Number of Working Days
Completion Schedule
**Deliverable 1**:
Policy document covering key building blocks of an ESG framework and recommendation on implementation and capacity development plan based on FGD results with immediate stakeholders (especially Special Mission Vehicle) that will be facilitated by MoF
**Deliverable 2**:
Policy document covering key building blocks of an ESG framework and implementation and capacity development plan and a policy summary.
Prior to finalizing the draft, there will be a one-round review/comment/input from stakeholders.
**and search Advertise reference number**: 88873
for download supporting document P11 and Annex III Confirmation and availability
**Academic Qualifications**:
A Master's degree in a field related to Environmental Science, Public Administration & Policy, Development or other closely related field from an accredited college or university, or a bachelor's degree in above areas with two additional years of relevant experience.
**Working Experience**:
A minimum of 8 years of relevant work experience in environmental, social or governance risk, environmental, social or governance assessment and management or natural resource management with reference to national laws and regulations, the World Bank Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) or UN's Safeguards Policies, and other international standards on ESG from other Multilateral Development Banks, sovereign funds, ESG funds and other ESG rating organizations, international standardization organaztions or initiatives.
Substantial professional experience at se