Dua Delapan Grup (28Grup) is a business group engaged in equity participation (Investee Company) and/or joint operations in the mining, services, contracting, and shipping sectors.
Further to the development and addition of new companies engaged to Nickel Ore business, 28Grup has emerged to assist in obtaining capital investment and / or the provision of technical assistance for a certain period of time for companies. The goals are to assist them in establishing a new companies, helping with experience equity difficulties at an early stage, in the development and restructuring stage, to help any transfer of ownership of the company.
The form of equity participation by 28Grup is Equity Financing, direct equity participation by taking part of the total shares owned by the partner company.
All companies incorporated in 28Grup, have a business focused on nickel ore. Generally, includes:
- Mine Planning;
- Large trade on the basis of remuneration (fee) or contract;
- Nickel Mining Management Consulting Activities;
28Grup have an excellent human resources in planning, implementing and fund controlling with an effective management system and method. In the Nickel Business sector development, and in accordance with the company's vision and mission, we will continue to innovate so that we become a more reliable and successful company ahead.
Membuat suatu website atau aplikasi berbasis web
Bertugas untuk develop Web
Melakukan testing projek Web
Membantu menginstall, memperbaiki, mengupdate software yang digunakan
Menulis dokumentasi cara penggunaan Web.
Memonitoring database software
Pendidikan mínimal S1 jurusan Teknik Informatika / Ilmu Komputer / Sistem Informasi
Memiliki pengalaman sebagai Programmer atau Web Developer Minimal 2 tahun
Memiliki skill kemampuan dasar komputer seperti Software, Hardware, dan Jaringan
Menguasai Struktur database MySQL / PostgreeSQL, Mongo DB
Menguasai bahasa framework Springboot
Menguasai Flutter Mobile App
Memahami infrastruktur cloud
Update terhadap perkembangan teknologi
Memahami pemrograman Java dengan Eclipse IDE
Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik
Dapat bekerjasama dalam tim dan memiliki komunikasi yang baik
Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
Mampu melakukan pekerjaan secara multitasking