**Tentang kami**:
**Tugas Anda**:
- Assembly work: Assembly, set up, relocating, installing, rebuilding, adjusting and optimizing of complex facilities, machinery, and equipment in consultation with requestor.
- Maintenance and repair: Performs scheduled inspection, maintenance and repair work on the basis of specifications, existing documents or of self-prepared plans and instructions. Performs unplanned maintenance works on various equipment and machinery in the production area incl. a function test after completion of the maintenance activity.
- Welding works: Performs various welding tasks (autogenous, electric and gas-shielded welding).
- Manufacturing of auxiliary devices and spare parts: Manufacturing of complex auxiliary devices as well as spare parts through manual or machine based processing on the basis of sketches and technical drawings or on the basis of requirements and after discussion with requestor.
- Side activities: Performs various secondary activities (e.g.: cleaning work, transportation, order feedback). Records and collects measuring data.
- Specialization: Performs at least two tasks as required, for which extensive special knowledge is required (e.g.: programming
- and difficult set-up work, work performed on hydraulic and pneumatic systems, equipment inspection with credentials, special tasks at subsidiary company, etc.).
- Administration: Performance of different administrative tasks (e.g. initiates the procurement of raw, auxiliary and working material, takes care of a proper order processing, collects and evaluates various analytical data, etc.)
- Planning and Management: Carrying out of planning tasks in conjunction with managerial tasks within the workshop organization (e.g.: planning of capacity requirements; consumption and use of raw, auxiliary and working material; setting up and managing working teams in line with actual requirements; ensuring the flow of information within the workshop, to the customers and to the supervisor; etc.).
- Education and Advanced Vocational training: Supports in conducting of courses, trainings and Lean Management teams to satisfy the requirements of customers and supervisors. Trains - in accordance with the Head of Training and Education - apprentices in mechanical engineering adhering to applicable training and apprenticeship guidelines applicable in the company and under adherence to legal law.
**Profil Anda**:
- Industrial Mechanic
- 3-5 years in maintenance and repair of machines, CNC, welding experience
**Manfaat untuk Anda**:
Keterbukaan SCHOTT dalam mendukung perkembangan Anda secara lebih lanjut memiliki kelebihan yang sama besarnya dengan keuntungan tambahan yang kami tawarkan. Mulai dari manajemen kesehatan aktif melalui jam kerja yang fleksibel hingga rencana pensiun perusahaan: semuanya disesuaikan dengan tujuan dan kebutuhan Anda. Temukan budaya perusahaan khusus yang setiap orang memiliki peluang untuk mengembangkan seluruh potensi mereka.
Di SCHOTT, Anda dapat merasakan budaya perusahaan unik yang menganggap penting kesetaraan, keberagaman, dan inklusi. Kami tahu: karyawan yang bermotivasi dan berkomitmen adalah prasyarat untuk kesuksesan perusahaan kami.
Kantin; Acara Tim; Lokakarya pelatihan mutakhir; Parkir Gratis; Pelatihan dan pendidikan lebih lanjut; Pembelajaran situasional; Pengembangan bakat
**Hubungi kami**: