Laki - Laki
Usia maksimal 35 tahun
S1 Logistik
S1 Teknik
Pengalaman mínimal 5 tahun
Universitas Ternama
Kemampuan komputer SAP, MS (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), SRP
Pengalaman dalam Perencanaan Rantai Pasokan lebih disukai
Diperlukan perjalanan (audit pemegang pelanggan)
Kemampuan bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris yang baik (baik lisan maupun tulisan)
Keterampilan komunikasi yang kuat, kesadaran organisasi dan kemampuan untuk mempengaruhi rekan kerja di lingkungan multi-budaya
Kemampuan pemecahan masalah & analitis yang kuat
Tanggung Jawab - Comply with the SHEQ policy/rule/regulation, Code of Ethic and other rule that mentioned on
Company-Labor Agreement
- Active participation in site SHEQ management system: PWI, Lead Safe, housekeeping campaign, ERP, PTW, ISO document review
- Achieve & sustain supply chain KPI incl. CTR & MRS compliance to ensure efficient & timely CSCM
product supply
- Manage the planning, outsourcing & monitoring of import gas product to ensure customer order fulfillment
- Maintain SAP record of import products to ensure monthly stock accuracy
- Perform monthly counting, monitor & review of cylinder asset against MRS
- Provide regular cost update on regular CSCM product (IP, SPC, import, outsource)
- Strategic planning of CAPEX, (idle) cylinder traffic & cylinder collection from dormant customers
- Monitor & review obsolete assets for scrapping
- Forecast seasonal needs and proactively obtain assets before needs arise, incl. actual ordering of new assets/cylinders
- Maintain SAP record of cylinder holding in customer is accurate
- Identification, review & monitoring of CSCM productivity projects with the aim to reach yearly productivity target
- Identification, review & monitoring of CSCM digitalization projects with the aim to reach aligned target
- Identification, review & monitoring of CSCM zero waste projects with the aim to reach aligned target